IT Consolidation after Mergers and Acquisitions
There are a lot of challenges in aligning two formerly companies after a merger or an acquisition. In fact, the burden M&A creates for IT teams is often overlooked. Particularly today, where there may be little on-premise infrastructure to worry about, a plethora of cloud and software-as-a-service (SaaS) systems often first have to be discovered before any consolidation can be attempted at all.
With limited visibility, mismatched procedures, security baselines and approaches as well as often a lack of comprehensive documentation, aligning and merging IT infrastructures in the age of cloud and SaaS can easily turn into a project of many months or even years. To make matters worse, IT teams may be expected to carry out all these migration and merge tasks while still taking care of business as usual without any additional resources.
Detexian can ease the burden of IT systems realignment and merging, saving you that extra man power you would need otherwise but have no budget for.
Service and Usage Discovery
Detexian can automate the process of discovering the SaaS applications in use in the organisation even if their use was never properly documented. We can also determine how much these applications are actually used and by whom. As a result, you can retire unused services and consolidate duplicate functionality according to the preferences of the majority of your users.
Gap Analysis
Detexian can provide you with an automated gap analysis against various standards and frameworks like CIS Critical Security Controls®, NIST guidelines, SOC 2 or ISO 27001. This saves you audit nightmares further down the track and saves you a lot of work in finding and remediating any non-compliance the merger or acquisition may have introduced.
Ongoing Monitoring and Verification
With cultural alignment between two organizations that have only been merged recently taking time, Detexian can offer you continuous monitoring of your SaaS appliations, notifying of all changes you may need to review or remediate in order to stay compliant with your chosen (or required) security and compliance frameworks.